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"Impressions" Explained
An "impression" in re-enacting jargon is the type of soldier the re-enactor is portraying and is usually defined by the country, branch of service, soldier type, and year i.e. "British Army, infantry, Normandy 1944".


Note: Re-enact SA's policy does not support the use of "political" troops.

Primary impressions

Re-enact SA bases its most of its events around two primary impressions, one Allied and one Axis, which allows realistic squad level formations and for members to focus on building these up to an authentic standard


If you become an active member of RSA, it is expected that you will start to assemble one of our a primary impressions. This allows you to attend the most events, and fit in with our pre-existing units.


Luckily, there are pools of spare uniforms and equipment which can be loaned to new members so they can attend an event and get a feel of what it's all about.



Primary Impressions - Second World War: British Commando


This impression is utilised for the majority of our tactical events set in continental Europe.




















Primary Impressions - Second World War: Deutches Heer (German Army) Infantry


This impression is utilised for the majority of our tactical events set in continental Europe. Re-enact SA represents Panzer Grenadier Regiment 2 of the 2nd Panzer Division.

































Primary Impressions - Great War: Australian Infantry - First Australian Infantry Force (AIF)


This impression is primarily utilised for ceremonial events.

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Secondary Impressions

These impressions are utilised where the event/scenario requires and if there are a sufficient number of primary impressions at the event. These impressions can be any that are not listed under primary impressions, however they may not be suitable for some of our events.



Secondary Impressions - Second World War: Commonwealth Infantry

Particularly those representing Great Britain and Canada. These impressions are suitable for the majority of our tactical events set in continental Europe.  























Secondary Impressions - Second World War: Deutsches Fallschirmjäger (German Paratrooper)


The German paratrooper was seen as the most daring and innovative tool of war at the time and were studied by all other combative Nations, though it was from the Russians in the late 1930's that German exchange officers observed Russian soldiers sitting along the wings of lumbering bombers and simply sliding off the wings and parachuting to earth that gave rise to the idea of a German paratroop arm.

The paratrooper was instrumental in opening the path for the armies that invaded the low countries of Belgium and Holland by landing atop the Belgium fortress of Eben Emal and the invasion of Norway and the taking and holding bridges for the taking of Rotterdam. Later it was largely due to the Fallschirmjager allowing a costly victory by seizing Crete from a force of 30,000 British and Commonwealth troops.























Secondary Impressions - Second World War: Deutches Heer Panzertruppen - (German Army Tank crew)

Re-enact SA support the Australian Armour and Artillery Museum in Cairns during its annual AusArmourfest display, by representing a tank crew from the Panzer Regiment 3 of the 2nd Panzer Division, Summer 1942.

















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